Big Business Tax Investigations Brought In £3.5 Billion Last Year

Big Business Tax Investigations Brought In £3.5 Billion Last YearTax investigations can be complicated, drawn out affairs. But for the state, they are essential for putting money into the funding pot.

In last tax year, for example, HMRC reportedly collected an extra £3.5 billion in corporate tax from challenging businesses on their payments in the last tax year. The tax office has its own division – HMRC’s Large Business Directorate – that examines the tax being paid by corporations to ensure everyone is putting as much back into the pot as they should.

However, it is not just big firms that can find themselves the subject of a tax investigation. HMRC has stated that it is also going to be carrying out more investigations into the tax being paid by SMEs, as well as landlords and the self-employed, to ensure everything is above board.

This means that there is a wide range of individuals and organisations that could be thrust under HRMC’s microscope, and if this happens, people must be careful in how they act. This is why using expert forensic accountants such as Frenkels Forensics is so worthwhile.

Frenkels Forensics is vastly experienced in dealing with tax investigations and can help a business understand the issues on hand and find a resolution without aggravating the situation. Indeed, it is important to remember that one must always have the right professional advice before entering into discussions with HMRC.

In such worrying and stressful times – when much can be a stake – having experienced experts available to offer guidance and assistance is vitally important. And whether it is a tax investigation concerning tax evasions or tax fraud, PAYE & Benefits, civil investigation of fraud or VAT investigations, Frenkels Forensics can help.

For expert financial help with any tax issues contact Frenkels Forensics for an independent appraisal.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for advice in any aspect of forensic accountancy, then do get in touch via Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn or by visiting our website

By Vitek Frenkel – find me via Google+.

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