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Proceeds of Crime Act Cases

At Frenkels Forensics we have many years of experience in criminal and fraud investigation matters. We provide forensic accountancy services to solicitors, barristers, businesses and private individuals across the UK. Our continued success is thanks to our commitment to seeking the best outcome for our clients through forensic accountancy excellence, avoiding standing still as a business and ensuring first class service standards, every time.

We are usually instructed as forensic accountants on behalf of Defendants to consider the report prepared by the Crown Prosecution Service. These reports usually claim that a Defendant has benefited from a particular crime and the CPS intend recovering the amount of benefit from the Defendant’s known assets.

In our role as forensic accountants, we critically examine the basis of the Prosecution’s claim and in our report we isolate examples of legitimate trading which did not accrue from the proceeds of crime, but have nevertheless been included in the claim made by the Prosecution.

We also examine the evidence presented relating to a Defendant’s assets and adjust the figures based on the available evidence. Our forensic involvement usually means that both the figure for benefit and the claimed assets are substantially reduced in favour of the Defendant.

In these matters we are used to working with large amounts of data, such as bank statements and business records.

Good to know:

  • – We regularly give evidence as Forensic Accountancy Experts on criminal POCA matters.
  • – We accept both private and publicly funded matters and instructions.

Please call us on 0330 118 8200, email help@frenkels.com or Make An Enquiry today for more information on our services.

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