Knocked off your Bike? – Making an Effective Personal Injury Claim

Knocked off your Bike? – Making an Effective Personal Injury ClaimCycling in London is becoming a hazardous choice for the commuter.

There have been some hideous accidents over the recent months reported in the news – and indeed there’ll be many accidents that goes unreported.

And London isn’t the only city where cycling accidents are on the increase – nationwide the risk to those cycling to the office are increasing.

The Department of Transport published a report stating the following:

  • 18% increase in pedal cyclists killed or seriously injured
  • 93% of cyclist accidents resulted from a collision with another vehicle
  • Cyclists are 30 times more likely to be seriously injured than a car occupant

For those injured as a result of a cycling accident – the main focus tends to be on getting better and back to work as quickly as possible.

Not only is the victim affected in these situations but their spouses are affected too – where they too often need to take the time off work just to take care of the victim.

Coupled with the stress of being housebound and an ever building workload – there are inevitable financial losses. An accident touches more than just the victim themselves – and these wider implications are considered as part of a personal injury claim.

A personal injury claim goes beyond the time taken off work – there are many factors that need to be considered. This is why expert forensic accounting advice is critical when building an effective personal injury case.

At Frenkels Forensics, we have dealt with a number of personal injury claims similar to this where disruptions are often ongoing. We’re able to quantify the full extent of the financial losses from the accident, leaving no stone unturned, to ensure victims receive a fair and just reward.

The solicitors we work with are the first port of call – and they can build claims. However, when insurers push back on a claim and require more evidence – this is where the expertise of forensic accountants comes into play.

While a proportion of the personal injury work we do relates to road traffic accidents – personal injury cases come to us from a wide range of sources, including, clinical and medical negligence, criminal injuries and compensation authority cases.

Pension losses are often a key part of claims and we advise on pension loss cases regularly, often on a joint instructions basis.

If you’ve got concerns or questions about a personal injury claim – and the extent of what is covered within a claim, then get in touch.

If you’re looking for advice in any aspect of forensic accountancy, then do get in touch via TwitterGoogle+, LinkedIn or by visiting our website

By Vitek Frenkel – find me via Google+

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