HMRC (Inland Revenue) tax investigations can be extremely worrying and stressful for the parties involved and it is important to obtain the correct professional advice.
At Frenkels Forensics we have the experience and resources to assist both individuals and companies in all types of UK tax investigations.
These can include tax investigations into tax evasions or tax fraud, PAYE & Benefits, civil investigation of fraud (also known as Code of Practice 9) and VAT investigations.
We can also help with voluntary disclosures and tax amnesty arising from HMRC’s New Disclsosure Opportunity (NDO).
As forensic accountants we have the skills and knowledge to help you handle your case in the most appropriate way – and to assist in all negotiations with HMRC. It is important to always have the right professional advice before entering into discussions with HMRC.
We have helped many individuals and companies to reach an acceptable settlemen