How Can Forensic Accounting Take The Bad Blood Out Of Divorce Investigations?

How Can Forensic Accounting Take The Bad Blood Out Of Divorce Investigations?Divorce proceedings can often escalate, particularly in cases when there is bad blood between the splitting pair.

One such divorce investigation is being heard in the Family Division of the High Court in London – American lawyer Richard Fields, 59, and his estranged Russian wife Ekaterina Parfenova, 42, were married for about a decade, have two children together. The couple disagree over the division of assets worth around £6 million and in their bid to claim what they believe to be their fair share of the huge mound of assets; they have amassed £1 million of legal fees.

High court judge Mr Justice Holman has told the pair that a settlement is better than litigation, but ongoing disagreements over who gets what means this route seems unlikely.

Forensic accounting services can help in instances like this; Frenkels Forensics has been called upon in many divorce investigations to help a parting couple reach an amicable agreement on the exact value of the assets held by each partner, which in turns makes it far more likely that the assets can be divided accordingly.

Often the case is – as may be the situation between Mr Fields and Ms Parfenova – one partner believes that the other is hiding assets from them. It might be stocks and shares in a business or it might be property the other was not aware of; the experts at Frenkels Forensics can use their forensic accounting and investigative skills to find these assets and report on their findings.

Importantly, the company is used to dealing with the very sensitive issues that arise in matrimonial disputes and divorces and as such is very careful not to aggravate the already difficult circumstances which divorcing parties may find themselves in.

For expert financial help in settling a divorce contact Frenkels Forensics for an independent appraisal.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for advice in any aspect of forensic accountancy, then do get in touch via Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn or by visiting our website

By Vitek Frenkel – find me via Google+.

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