Form E Divorce

Form E Divorce A Form E in divorce proceedings is the statement on which the parties set out their respective financial situations. When a couple’s …

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Forensic Accountant For Divorce

Forensic Accountant For Divorce A forensic accountant for divorce plays a key role in divorce proceedings. Not only is our work instrumental in assisting in …

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Pension Loss Forensic Accountant

Pension Loss Forensic Accountant Pensions are one of the most important assets you can have. They provide financial security in retirement and help you maintain …

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Proceeds of Crime Act 2022

Proceeds of Crime Act 2022 The Proceeds of Crime Act 2022, or POCA as it is commonly known, was introduced to prevent criminals from profiting …

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Forensic Defence Accountants

Forensic Defence Accountants Frenkels Forensics’ team of crime and fraud forensic defence accountants regularly assist clients facing charges of crime and fraud. We work with …

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HMRC Forensic Accountant

HMRC Forensic Accountant HMRC is clamping down on businesses suspected of tax avoidance or fraud in an attempt to reduce its considerable tax deficit. Receiving …

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Embezzlement Accounting

Most cases involving embezzlement, or suspected embezzlement, benefit from the input of forensic accountants like us, and the outcome of embezzlement cases often hinges on …

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Money Laundering POCA

Money Laundering and POCA matters are central to the work carried out by our criminal and fraud team. Our forensic accountants routinely assist clients accused …

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