Computer Forensics Becoming Central To Court Cases Of All Types

Computer Forensics Becoming Central To Court Cases Of All TypesHigh profile court cases such as those involving the founders of the deep-web drug market Silk Road or the Boston marathon bomber have once again shone light on the importance of computer forensics investigations.

Naturally, Silk Road, which is an online black market, will be completely intertwined with computer forensics, which can help the courts understand exactly who created it, how they did it and the extent to which they have benefited from it. Meanwhile, in the trial of one of the men responsible for triggering a bomb at the Boston marathon, computer forensic experts have been called upon to show the history of what the accused searched for on the internet, therein proving his intent and the planning of the crime.

Frenkels Forensics has its own team of computer forensics experts, which are becoming increasingly important not just in high profile criminal cases such as this but in all manner of situations.

As part of its computer forensics services Frenkels is able to analyse all the information stored on a computer, not just the documents, to determine what actions were performed, when and by whom. This often involves complicated decoding techniques, unlocking the forensic images and gaining access to the data contained on the hard drive.

By following the trail of actions performed on a computer, vital information can be gleaned that can have a huge bearing on the outcome of a case, whether it is fraud, financial misbehaviours or criminal activity.

Naturally this can be used both to prove one’s innocence or guilt; it can show that they had no involvement in a case or it can reveal the true extent of their actions. Ultimately, whichever the case, what is becoming self-evident is that computer forensics are playing a pivotal role in court cases today, therefore placing a premium on those who can unlock the truth hidden within data.

For expert help with a computer forensics investigation, contact Frenkels Forensics for an independent appraisal.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for advice in any aspect of forensic accountancy, then do get in touch via Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn or by visiting our website

By Vitek Frenkel – find me via Google+.

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