Could Online Divorces Become A Real Thing?

Could Online Divorces Become A Real Thing?We live in a world where almost all aspects of our lives are moving online. Whether it is banking, shopping, speaking to friends or watching TV, the internet is now almost completely intertwined with everyday tasks.

News coming out of Northern Ireland has suggested that this might be taken one step further, as proposed changes could mean that couples in the country will be allowed to get divorced online.

The BBC reported: “The way some divorces and low value compensation cases are dealt with in Northern Ireland could be set for radical change. In future they could be settled over the internet using an online disputes system similar to that used by eBay.

“Judges, barristers, solicitors and politicians are being asked to consider backing the change.”

The news has been met with criticism from various groups, with some suggesting that it devalues the concept of marriage, while legal experts say that divorces are simply too complex to be handled in an online system, even if it is only used to settle compensation claims of less than £25,000.

Frenkels Forensics is vastly experienced when it comes to divorce investigations and knows only too well how difficult these proceedings can be. In situations that are highly charged with emotion, expert help can prove extremely important.

Forensic accountants can enter the fray, examine the money in the bank, business interests and assets owned by each side – tracing any potentially undisclosed assets – to ensure a spouse receives the correct amount in a divorce.

Quite how online divorces could account for the amount of work that is often required to settle divorce proceedings remains to be seen. But it seems clear that many cases, regardless of the compensation claims involved, will have to be settled in the traditional methods, with forensic accountants such as those at Frenkels Forensics continuing to play a key role in proceedings.

For expert financial help in settling a divorce contact Frenkels Forensics for an independent appraisal.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for advice in another aspect of forensic accountancy, then do get in touch via Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn or by visiting our website

By Vitek Frenkel – find me via Google+.

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