Fraud Investigations

Our forensic accountancy team can assist with many types of fraud investigations, including civil fraud, employee theft, criminal fraud and proceeds of crime.

Fraud InvestigationsCivil Fraud

In cases of civil fraud, we can be instructed as forensic accountants to investigate the possibility that a business is losing money due to a fraud or theft being perpetrated by one or more of its employees. Once instructed as forensic accountants all of our investigations are conducted in a confidential and prudent way in order not to alert the guilty party of the real reason for our being there.

We usually find that the fraud is larger than originally thought and our investigations often show that the fraud has been going on for a number of years. Our forensic accountancy report will focus on the extent of the civil fraud and the weakness in the system that allowed the fraud to take place.

With IT playing such a pivotal role in business these days, we are sometimes required to examine an individual’s computer to find out secret transactions and any other matters that the fraudster does not want his company to know about. Our IT experts have the skills to analyse, locate and recover the electronic data to locate, recover and analyse active the data concealing the crime.

Criminal Fraud

In cases of criminal fraud, we are instructed usually as forensic accountants on behalf of Defendants accused of fraud. Our forensic accountancy report sets out to examine and analyse the evidence prepared by the Crown Prosecution Service and to ensure that the case against the accused is consistent with the evidence brought by the Prosecution.

We often find that the Prosecution has made simple arithmetic errors or drawn wrong conclusions from financial documents. We have been instructed on cases involving frauds such as Ponzi schemes, boiler frauds (share scams) and carousel (missing trader) frauds.

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