Keep Your Christmas Merry: The Role of Forensic Accountants in Personal Injury Claims

Keep Your Christmas Merry: The Role of Forensic Accountants in Personal Injury ClaimsWith Christmas fast approaching people are frantically making all the necessary preparations for the festive period.

Yet while this ought to be a time of merriment, December has traditionally been a time in which personal injury claims are filed. From accidents at the office Christmas party through to injuries caused on icy roads as people rush about their errands, the final month of the year has commonly seen a spike in claims of this nature.

When these claims are made, some will be fair and easy to settle, but others can become more complicated and involve testing legal battles. For the latter, forensic accountants can prove invaluable in bringing the personal injury claim to an agreeable end in determining the true value of the economic losses suffered by the Claimant.

Often the problem does not just involve finger pointing – the blame can often be attributed relatively easily – but instead the challenge arises in determining what a fair price in compensation is.

Not a week goes by without a newspaper printing a story about a ludicrous personal injury claim in which someone is awarded tens of thousands of pounds when they suffered whiplash in a low-speed car crash or hurt themselves in a fall in the workplace. As customer-facing businesses deal with a hive of activity in the Christmas period, these claims can become more common, and so ensuring – should an accident take place – that only the necessary amount is paid, is critical.

Frenkels Forensics are regularly instructed by both Claimants and Defendants to prepare reports setting out the loss of earnings and / or pension suffered by Claimants in their accident. Having prepared thousands of reports over the last 30 years, we have the necessary expertise and experience to assist.

For expert help in preparing loss of earnings and / or pension reports this Christmas time contact Frenkels Forensics for an independent appraisal.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for advice in any aspect of forensic accountancy, then do get in touch via Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn or by visiting our website

By Vitek Frenkel – find me via Google+.

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