Ministers To Proceed With Legal Aid Cuts

Ministers To Proceed With Legal Aid CutsMinisters are proceeding with far-reaching cuts to the £2.1 billion legal aid scheme amid worry that some the most vulnerable in society would be hardest hit.
In the biggest changes in the system in 60 years, Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke has outlined plans to cut £350 million from the scheme and cut half a million cases out of its scope.
There has been strong opposition from lawyers and advice groups to the proposals which will see legal aid scrapped across a wide range of cases from family disputes to medical accidents.
Lawyers fear that the cuts will affect the most vulnerable in society such as women and children and will also deter people claiming over medical accidents.
At present, anyone with disposable assets of less than £8,000 can qualify; but that could be lowered to £1,000.
Reforms will also cap the fees lawyers can charge under “no win no fee” deals.
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