A recent report has shown that three out of four schools contain asbestos, which could be putting children at risk of mesothelioma.
Many schools do not have appropriate protection measures in place, while management of the substance is ineffective and potentially dangerous.
These schools do not comply with their legal duty to protect those who use the buildings from the hidden killer and training about it is poor or non-existent, the Asbestos Testing and Consultancy Association found.
Steps must be taken to stop pupils and teachers from contracting mesothelioma, a cancer caused by asbestos exposure, or other related illnesses, it added.
Two schools did not know who was in charge of asbestos management, and in more than half of the schools surveyed there was evidence of damage to asbestos.
According to the National Union of Teachers, asbestos-related illnesses killed 92 teachers and lecturers between 2001 and 2005.
Frenkels Forensics are able to assist with the forensic accounting matters arising from asbestos and mesothelioma related insurance claims. These can include lost years’ claims and fatal accidents claims. For more information contact Vitek Frenkel or John Frenkel on 020 8457 2929.