Sharing our best practice story in the Parliamentary Review

Sharing our best practice story in the Parliamentary ReviewWe are delighted to share the news that John Frenkel FCA, Founder and Principal at Frenkels Forensics, has shared our story of best practice in forensic accounting and what we’ve learned over the last 35+ years with the prestigious Parliamentary Review.

The Parliamentary Review is the leading independent publication that combines political commentary from leading journalists, with sector specific insight from Secretaries of State, Ministers and MPs. It offers an indispensable guide to industry best practice, which demonstrates how sector leaders have responded to challenges in the political and economic environment.

The Rt. Hon Lord Eric Pickles MP and The Rt Hon Lord Blunkett MP provided an introduction to John’s article. They said:

“The ability to listen and learn from one another has always been vital in parliament, in business and in most aspects of daily life. But at this particular moment in time, as national and global events continue to reiterate, its uncommonly crucial that we forge new channels of communication and reinforce existing ones. The following article from Frenkels Forensics Chartered Accountants is an attempt to do just that.”

To view the article in full, please click here.


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