Your questions answered: Why Frenkels Calculator is Different

Frenkels Forensics launched Frenkels Calculator in 2016 to support clinical negligence and personal injury practitioners in their daily journey towards greater efficiency, time management, compliance and professional accuracy. 

Our calculator can produce past and future loss of earnings schedules for employed and self-employed claimants, produced for both claimant and defendant practitioners.

Hundreds of practitioners have signed up for our free trial and demonstrations (to compare their cases on the current and new discount rate) but what many people have asked us is:

“Why is Frenkels Calculator different and how does it add value?”

What the platform does:

With Frenkels Calculator, you can now create accurate, court-ready loss of earnings schedules in minutes, thanks to our accessible, easy-to-use online platform that’s powered by experts.

Why are we different? 

1. Frenkels Calculator was built by us, experienced, industry-pioneering forensic accountants with over 35 years of experience. We have put all out knowledge into the platform and its resources and combined this with market-leading IT development to create Frenkels Calculator. We are always on hand to support you when you need it and to provide specialist advice on more complex claims and pension loss calculations if you need us. No other product in the market offers this level of reassurance. 

2. It offers integrated calculators: Frenkels Calculator is the only loss of earnings calculator to include integrated calculators for items such as ASHE, inflation, Ogden, SSP, state retirement age and tax spanning multiple tax years.  No other product in the market offers this feature.

3. All the resources in one place: Frenkels Calculator  provides instant access to various essential resources and historical information such as basic state pension data, national minimum wage rates, SSP and tax and NI bands and rates, all of which are updated automatically.  No other product in the market offers such an extensive range of resources in one place.

4. It calculates the loss for you: Unlike other products, Frenkels Calculator includes a projected and actual earnings calculator with a quick split multiplier feature so it calculates the loss of earnings claim for you.

5. Dedicated expert support line: Frenkels Calculator is more than just a stand-alone product. Every user who purchases a licence has access to a dedicated support line so you can speak to an expert forensic accountant for sound professional advice on any loss of earnings related issue, including validation of calculations. No other product in the market offers this service.

Put us to the test with our FREE TRIAL, measure the savings it can bring into your firm and share your feedback with us. Neil Russell, our Business Development Manager can help guide you and your team through an online or in-house demonstration and show you how to make the most of your free trial.

The need to utilise process efficiencies for proportionality, fixed fees and to compete in the ever-changing market personal injury and clinical negligence market is now essential for the business of litigation. We can help drive those efficiencies whilst ensuring accuracy and expertise. 

Contact Neil Russell at Frenkels Calculator for your free demo and trial today. What have you got to lose? 

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