200 Women Bring Clinical Negligence Claim

200 Women Bring Clinical Negligence ClaimMore than 200 patients are preparing to sue Liverpool Women’s Hospital in a large medical negligence claim over the poor treatment they allege they received from a consultant urogynaecologist.

The doctor in question is accused of performing inappropriate surgery for incontinence problems on hundreds of women.

The hospital has apologised for any harm or distress caused.

The case notes of 600 women that he treated were re-evaluated after the hospital carried out an internal governance investigation.

Frenkels Forensics have a great deal of experience in dealing with the financial aspects personal injury claims, acting for both Claimants and Defendants.  To find out more about this or any of our forensic accounting services, please contact John Frenkel or Vitek Frenkel on 020 8457 2929.

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