The Role of Forensic Accounting In Personal Injury Claims
‘Have you suffered an injury that wasn’t your fault?’ – the oh so familiar words resounding from television sets these days.
Everyone’s seen the adverts and for most people – fingers crossed – they remain little more than a distraction until their favourite programme starts again. However, the devastating effects of a serious injury cannot be underestimated and, therefore, neither should personal injury claims.
It might be a bit obvious and clichéd to say, but the world is a dangerous place and there are countless ways in which people can suffer serious bodily harm at the hands of someone else. For those that do, not only do they have to suffer the physical pain, there are also various other consequences to deal with, such as medical bills and the loss of earnings that can come with a lengthy layoff.
Victims needn’t suffer in silence though; forensic accountants can help with a personal injury claim to ascertain the economic loss suffered by the injured party.
Frenkels Forensics have been brought in to investigate many personal injury cases for our depth of experience in understanding and calculating losses that arise from motoring accidents, clinical and medical negligence and criminal injuries compensation cases. We are regularly instructed by both Claimants and Defendants.
For expert help with a personal injury claim contact Frenkels Forensics for a professional and independent appraisal.
If you’re looking for advice in any aspect of forensic accountancy, then do get in touch via Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn or by visiting our website
By Vitek Frenkel – find me via Google+.